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How do I get customers to engage with my product at exhibitions?

AR/VR marketing

There’s nothing worse than spending hours upon hours carefully designing and creating your product, buying pop up stands and free pens, only to have people not engage with you when you attend exhibitions.

If this is a problem you’re facing don’t worry, you’re not alone and there are things your business can do to solve this, several ways in fact.

We’ve gathered our top three tips for how to get people to engage with your stall and product, at exhibitions.

Animated Technologies spiral graphic.

<h2-richtext>Take advantage of technology and create an experience with it<h2-richtext>

Offering an experience rather than a sales pitch is going to land far better with your prospective customers and you can do this through implementing new technology.

Interactive technology like AR and VR is something we’ve frequently talked about on our blog, and for good reason.

Not only do they create a memorable experience for the person trying it out, but it creates a crowd.

For many years the likes of VR were reserved for games with expensive headsets that weren’t accessible for the masses. People knew about VR, but they rarely had the opportunity to try it out.

Using VR or AR to showcase your product creates excitement, it’s different and it’s memorable all whilst allowing potential customers to see and interact with your technical product in its ideal environment.

<h2-richtext>Social preparation<h2-richtext>

It’s likely that many people who follow you on social media or are subscribed to your newsletter will be attending the same exhibitions as you.

But what many people fail to do is tell people that they’ll be at an event.

Make sure you’re utilising your social media and email last before the event, let people know that you’re going and more importantly, where they can find you.

During the event, it’s good to utilise any hashtags that have been created for the event and tag the event organisers in your posts for the chance to have your posts featured on their social media pages.

<h2-richtext>You can’t talk to everyone – have a backup<h2-richtext>

The reality is that you’re not going to be able to talk to everyone who walks up to your stall.

No matter how large your team is, there will come a point in the day where everyone is occupied, talking to people who have approached your stall.

So, it’s important that you have things accessible to explain to people what your product or service is without them chatting to a member of your team.

Banners, leaflets and live demonstrations are a good start, but if you’re wanting to take things to the next level, we would suggest having an exhibition video that you can have playing on a loop throughout the day.

If you need some convincing on this, we spoke about the benefits of this in more detail in a previous blog post - EXHIBITIONS ARE ON THEIR WAY - OUR TIPS ON GETTING THAT COMPETITIVE EDGE

<h2-richtext>In summary<h2-richtext>

Create an experience with new technology, this will draw in a crowd and make your product memorable.

Make the most of social media and your email list before and during the event – people will be more likely to come to your stall if they know where to find you.

Have multiple ways people can learn about your product or service for when all your team is occupied.