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Pandemic Projects - Creating the future of online events

3D animations

Solving problems is what we do here at Animated Technologies. It’s an integral part of our company’s ethos. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic when we first started working from home we spotted a collection of problems in how online events and meetings were being held. These problems weren’t just being experienced by us, but for others as well, and these problems simply weren’t being addressed.

Whilst overnight we saw people accept online event platforms and integrate them into their working lives, we saw flaw after flaw comes to the surface with the currently available platforms.

We decided to take matters into our own hands and do things ourselves, but do them right. In doing this the idea of Haia came into existence.

Animated Technologies spiral graphic.

<h2-richtext>The perfect opportunity<h2-richtext>

We started to look for opportunities to turn Haia from an idea into reality. Quickly we discovered we weren’t the only people out there who were recognising the importance of ground-breaking technology during these hard times.

The Innovate UK Sustainable Innovation Fund was a government back grant awarded to innovative businesses to regenerate the economy and business during the pandemic.

Others recognised how Haia was going to be a game-changer and we're more than willing to get involved in helping it reach its full potential. It was clear to them that Haia would meet the needs of people across the globe and change hybrid events for good. It was because of this Haia received a grant from the Innovate UK Sustainable Innovation Fund.

Animated Technologies, as the lead consortium, joined up with Zero Dependence, Bangor University and M-Sparc, three incredible partners who shared our creative vision to solve these problems. Through this, Haia was born, an online and hybrid events platform designed to change communication around the world.

Working alongside event organisers and people who attend events regularly, we were able to find out what people did and, more importantly, didn’t like about attending events and hosting them too.

<h3-richtext>The creation of Haia<h3-richtext>

Being a digital agency, we were never only going to be involved in the business side of Haia. Alongside being the lead consortium we also dived into the project headfirst from a creative standpoint and got stuck in.

As with any project we do, our first point of call was taking the time to carefully study the creative brief. In the case of Haia, t meant ensuring a user-first approach with everything we created from that point onwards. It was essential to us that the visuals of Haia reflected the values of what we were creating. Therefore, accessibility and intuitive interaction came first.

For all visuals, we carefully chose colour combinations that would contrast well enough against each other that they would stand out to those with visual impairments as well as look cohesive as a brand. We then carried this brand aesthetic further, using it across all of Haia social platforms as well as the website.

<h3-richtext>Doing what we do best<h3-richtext>

Alongside creating the visuals, working from home, and collaborating with others to develop the technicalities of Haia we went back to our roots to do what we do best.

Creating outstanding videos is what we do, so we produced an awesome complementary explainer video just for Haia. We wanted it to be something special that not only explained what Haia was but also to show people how it was going to change the world of online communication for the better, but more on that later on...

The next big steps for Haia
As the world opens once more, it’s time for Haia to be introduced and make a difference.

Haia will be diving headfirst into a thriving market that is set to grow $259bn in the next five years alone. With 90% of events set to remain online or as a hybrid, Haia as a hybrid events platform will be introduced to the world when it needs it the most, it’s the perfect opportunity.

Haia is currently looking for investors, people who share our creative vision and want to change communication for the better. People who care about innovative, inclusive technology and are wanting to be a part of a global platform that puts the user at the heart.

If you’re wanting to get involved in a thriving industry and be a part of the future of communication, then contact us today to start the conversation and to receive your copy of an investment prospectus.

Want to know more? Read more about Haia’s story and what sets it apart from its competitors here.