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What is VR marketing?

AR/VR marketing

The future of business and marketing through the use of virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) offers unrestricted creativity. It gives businesses the ability to truly think outside the box and provide a memorable customer experience, developing strong brand relations all whilst standing out from a competitive environment. It is cutting edge technology that has become the must-have for business due to its limitless room for creative potential.

In short, VR is an interactive technology that immerses the user in a 3D generated environment. This environment usually offers a 360 degrees view of their surroundings, most typically through the use of a specialist headset.

Animated Technologies spiral graphic.

Many people’s first association to VR would be its use in games, after all, it’s a market VR has thrived in however, the scope of VR far surpasses that.

VR marketing, where businesses use virtual reality as a method of promoting their product is at the forefront of digital advancement for businesses in 2021. It is set to make waves within the industry, giving an advantage to businesses already implementing it into their marketing strategies.

It is, however, worth noting that VR and AR are not the same things although the two often get confused. If you’d like to find out more about AR and how it is changing how businesses market their products, then check out our post about AR and Interactive apps.

<h2-richtext>How VR is used in marketing<h2-richtext>

<h3-richtext>Showcasing developing products without the cost<h3-richtext>

There are several reasons you may not be able to show off your product in person, it may be too large to showcase at an event, it may not logistically be possible to move from one location to the next, or it may not have been made yet.

Interactive technologies like VR are unique in marketing as they can bypass the need for a product to already be in production before it can be shown at an event. For businesses with complex technical products who are looking for investors, VR allows a product that is in development to be shown completed in a virtual 3D environment. This helps to get potential customers and investors exciting about what you’re creating. It also allows them to see where their money is going rather than read about where it will go on a leaflet.

<h3-richtext>Changing the narrative with advertisements<h3-richtext>

Many people both in their work life and personal life use adblockers on their computers and phones. Advertisements are seen more as a hindrance to customers in all industries rather than an aid in showing them solutions to their problems. VR changes this view by offering a positive experience of advertising your product.

VR draws in a crowd, people actively seek out the likes of VR at exhibitions because of how engaging and fun it is to experience. An interactive advertisement of your product in a virtual, 3D space will create a positive lasting experience that will help potential customers remember your brand, and your product, for all the right reasons.

VR lets you give an experience to potential customers, a lasting memory of your product or service that bypasses their preconceived negative views towards advertisements.

<h3-richtext>Introducing people to your brand<h3-richtext>

During events and exhibitions, there’s a lot that distracts potential customers and investors. The halls are busy, the stall beside you might have a catchy video and in general people’s senses are overloaded at the events. Introducing your brand is challenging when everything around potential customers is competing for their attention, but what if you could tune all that out?

Unlike offering a leaflet, that people will only skim through, giving people the opportunity to experience your brand through VR eliminates other stimuli from the stalls around them. They are immersed in a 360 degrees environments where what they see is entirely your brand’s creation.

With VR there’s nothing else that can draw their attention away from what you want to show them, it doesn’t matter if the stall beside you has a light show or bright visuals, all the person with the VR headset will see is what you want them to. This allows you to introduce them to your brand, product or services without their attention being drawn away.

<h2-richtext>Endless possibilities<h2-richtext>

The benefits of VR goes beyond just marketing. VR reduces the risks associated with real-world environments. It opens you up to take potential customers into the inner workings of your equipment, without the concern of health and safety. It unlocks the opportunity for customers and investors to get an exciting, never seen glimpse into your business and products.

Large companies like Google have been prepared for VR for years, even McDonald’s in 2016 created a limited run of VR goggles made out of Happy Meal Boxes. The difference between then and now is the accelerated acceptance of digitalisation as a result of the pandemic. Customers from all industries have had to adapt to a new way of discovering products and services. In 2021 people are expecting more from businesses and marketing has to be driven by the wants and needs of the customer. All of this leads to businesses needing to implement new technology, such as VR, into their marketing strategies if they want to stay ahead of the competition and increase sales.